Products catalog : Agri Fresh, Co., Ltd. : ALL.BIZ: Thailand
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Agri Fresh, Co., Ltd.
+66 (346) 53-32-5

Products catalog

Sweet Tamarind
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It is believed thatthe sweettamarindbegan to growin Africa.Sometimesthe fruitis also calledIndian"dried dates," becauseit was grownin Indiafor thousands of years.After some time,tamarindbroughtto the peninsulaArabiaandSoutheast Asia, where itgrowswellin hot climates, it is...
Group: Tamarind
Fresh Mini Mango
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Mango- the nameof a family oftropical plantsandfruitsSumahovyh.Homelandmangoes- the territory ofmodern India,where the cultureof itscultivation andconsumption ofmore than6000years.AboutMangomentionedin the recordsof theIndiancampaigns ofAlexander of Macedon.And inmore recent times,this fruithas...
Group: Fresh fruits
Fresh Lemon grass
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Lemon grass(Cymbopogon citratus) -highperennial grassfamilygrass.Other names:lemongrass,citronella,lemongras, fever grass.The genus contains50 species.Homelandlemon grassarewarmtropicalzonein Europe, Asiaand Oceania.Cultivated intropical and subtropicalregions of Asia(India,SriLanka),Africa,...
Group: Fresh vegetables
Fresh Baby corn
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Cornpopcornmust bevery strong,intactmembrane,containsome combination ofstarch and fiberand havea well definedhumidity.Moisturein theheating ofthe grainis convertedinto steam, whichis constrainedto a certainmoment ofthe grainshell.During this time thesteamis evenly distributedover the volumeof...
Group: Maize
Fresh Guava Thai
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Guava- the nameof the treeof themyrtlefamilyand itsfruits.HomelandguavaareSouth and CentralAmerica, wherethe fruitsof this treehas long beenused as foodby local residents
Group: Guava
Ready to Cook Ginger Kit
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On this magical plant write specifically for 256lis, accept my dear, for you Lisov this plant is very useful. For Nelis, though, too.
Group: Ginger
Fresh Green Asparagus
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In Ayurveda passerovanie vegetables in ghee or vegetable oil, or stewing them with spices in small quantities of water are the preferred methods of preparation. Salads of raw vegetables are best eaten in the summer than in winter, and preferably at noon for lunch, when the biological fire agni is...
Group: Asparagus
Fresh Kale / young kale Pak choi
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In the food consumedleaves andstalksof the plant.They containmany differentnutrients.Pak-choicabbageisnotwhimsical,cold-resistant, grows andgivesthe greenproductsat a disadvantage, cold andrainy summer.Itismaturing.The leaves areharvestedfor foodin a monthafter transplanting.To get a goodcrop,it...
Group: Chinese cabbage, Pak Choi


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